After receiving the offer to film the documentary in Tian Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan I was in doubt. I only had skiing experience, but never tried climbing. The summit of 4350m seemed a bit scary. The more I thought about it, the more I felt the need to accept this challenge. The preparation for the shoot was intense and I had to learn using mountaineering equipment and prepare my body. I was climbing trees, jogging and running up the stairs with heavy backpack. Preparation included learning about solar panels, weighing film equipment, thinking how to transfer material, trying contact lenses and etc. It was not easy, but worth every effort. It was a great adventure and a source of inspiration. Here are some pics from behind the scenes. A huge thanks for the team.
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So we spent 42 days in Northam, Western Australia shooting the main part for our film “Around the world in 14 days”. Here are some making of photos. It is the world’s new record! Fedor Konyukhov finished his non-stop journey around the world in 11 days and 7 hours in rozerie hot air balloon.
Shooting “Around the world in 14 days” England part. Here, Cameroon Balloons team is making special roziere balloon to be able to fly around the world.
Starting a new documentary project “Around the world in 14 days”. We started to follow our hero training in Germany, Italy, Russia. This part took 9 days.
2015 summer I have spent almost 2 months shooting my first full feature in Azerbaijan. The script was adopted to a comedy using famous Azerbaijan satire. For me it was more than challenging, I was the only foreigner on the whole crew.
10.01-10.19 I was going on a trip by train from Moscow to Beijing. We were shooting demo material for documentary film about the train conductors. The train takes a week to get to Beijing.
A feature length documentary in Finland. Summer shooting part. We spent over 3 shooting weeks over there.
Life journey to remember. I made some photos on film with my Mamiya 645 medium format film camera during the cinetrain project.
Project that i will never forget. One month in Russia - making a movie, going by train, editing in a train, drinking a lot of vodka, jumping into the Baikal, loosing a passport, premiering in Moscow and many things more..
Life journey to remember. A short video about our project.
Behind the scenes crew visited us during the shooting process. I am working with director from Italy (Cristina Picchi) and sound director (Henri D’armancourt) from France. Our topic is “Russian Winter”! Here is the teaser.
May 2019